Thursday 7 January 2010

Back To Work Session Shocker!

The session I spoke about in my previous post was being run by my sister's ex b/f!

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I walked in and realised. Luckily we have always got on ok so it wasn't bad but I was still extreamly surprised, the last time I saw him he was looking for a job like me.

Aside from that the session itself wasn't too painful but it does look like they are really going to start clamping down on us soon. We will have to start checking in more regularly and having longer meetings with a dedicated job centre person and probably account more for the job searching we do. None of this is a terrible thing and I can see their point and as I am really looking for a job then maybe it will help me in some way.

We will see.


  1. OMG! Awkward! I wish I could find a job on my own. I hate when the state has to intervene.

    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  2. lol me too Ally, I would avoid Job Seekers like the plague if I could. xx
