Monday, 12 April 2010

Much Better

Hey All,

Well things have been much better since I last wrote regards eating healthily, apart from the chocolate eggs over Easter of course. I still haven't got on the scales but I do feel alot better so I'm letting that sooth me for now.

In other health related news my last smear test showed a 'borderline change in cells' so I got called back for a repeat test which I had done today. I'm not too worried as reading the information that came with the call back letter it said 1 in 10 women get called back and it could just be a small infection that nearly everyone gets at some point and usually clears up on it's own.

The nurse was the same one I saw last time and she is lovely, even chatted to me about my last holiday which she had remembered from my last visit. She was quite stern about people not ignoring the call back letters for smears and making sure they attend any tests the doctors think they need. Good advice but I was thinking in the back of my mine, hello(!) preaching to the converted as I am here lol.


  1. So important, thank you for reminding me.

    The Clean White Page

  2. Anytime :-) I think the Jade Goody episode scared us all a little bit so I think more people do go now, which is defo a good thing xx
