Monday, 11 January 2010

New Me

Since the originaly title of this blog was New Year, New Me I just wanted to expand on that a bit and lay out some of the things I want to change.

The major one has to be my weight! I'm not exactly sure how much I weight now but I am sure that the news wouldn't be good. Before Nepal I was going to the gym every other day and swimming on the days in between as well as regularly walking the dogs. Since I got back I am, at best taking the dogs for a little walk every now and again. Serious downturn in the activity stakes. Not only this but I feel like I consume roughly the amount of food that would keep a small country going each week.

There are excuses I could make but they are all pretty pathetic but as they run through my head each day I will list them here anyway so it's all out in the open:

We have had record amounts of snow which has kept me housebound for alot of the time.

The gym is expensive and as I don't have a job not going is a way of saving money.

Ditto for swimming (but slightly less so). Oh and for this one I'm suspicious of what the clorine does to my hair.

Snakewise - I'm only eating left over Christmas goodies so once they are gone my eating habits will get back to normal.

See, I told you they were prretty pathetic but there we go. So now I must remedy these things. I think I'm going to have to tackle it slowly as I clearly can't handle going cold turkey, and horror of horror's I'm going to have to get back on the scales, otherwise how will I know if the new regime is working?

However I really can't face the scales tonight (and I'm pretty sure you arn't supposed to weight last thing at night anyway). As to where I want to be - 8 stone. I am short and small boned so I think this is about right.

Well, wish me luck! xx

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Back To Work Session Shocker!

The session I spoke about in my previous post was being run by my sister's ex b/f!

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I walked in and realised. Luckily we have always got on ok so it wasn't bad but I was still extreamly surprised, the last time I saw him he was looking for a job like me.

Aside from that the session itself wasn't too painful but it does look like they are really going to start clamping down on us soon. We will have to start checking in more regularly and having longer meetings with a dedicated job centre person and probably account more for the job searching we do. None of this is a terrible thing and I can see their point and as I am really looking for a job then maybe it will help me in some way.

We will see.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Back To Work Session

I have a 'Back To Work Session' tomorrow through the job centre, something they send you on when you have been claiming for 12 weeks I think it is. In fact I have not been working for much longer than this but because I was in Nepal I wasn't claiming so could avoid things like this.

They say it could be an hour long and I dread to think the sort of hoops we will have to jump through, I say we because it will be a group session. I'm sure things like this are really telling us that we should have jobs by now and to get off our lazy arses, but I really have been trying to find a new job and would prefer it if these ejits didn't make me feel worse about it than I already do. In fairness I know it is only someone doing their job and I suppose at least they do have a job.

Friday, 1 January 2010


It is now 2010! New Years Day, the first day of the year, a fresh start. I thought I would honor it with a new blog. Written I might add on my new laptop, but more about that later.

It's that time of year again when we all start to analyse ourselves and our behaviour, and I know we can't help it but I do wonder sometimes whether it's good for us or whether it is in fact one year going to drive us potty.

Anyway like I said we can't help it so here's what I've been thinking - 2009 was a funny year for me by all accounts, probably the most unstructured year of my life so far. I lost my job through redundancy and have now gone a whole year without working! Something I never would have imagined would have been possible at any point in my life.

But on the up side I've done some personally great things for me this year. I went back to the dentist after an unbelievable gap of about 15 years and came out of it much the better for it and needing only 1 filling, which I still think it remarkable and so so lucky.

I volunteered in Nepal, teaching English to young Monks and living alongside them in their Monastery. I volunteered in an orphanage and came to realise just how different people's lives can turn out depending purely on where they are born. I worked with elephant poo in a conservation effort and was so unbelievably impressed by the work ethic of some of the native women there.

Nepal was amazing and it's given me a real taste for travel but it's also made me realise perhaps I can do more than I initially thought possible. For example I never thought I could be the sort of person who volunteers (and who can survive taking freezing showers under a tap) but I guess this trip taught me that you don't really know what you can do until you try.

So now what for 2010? I have some idea's but at the moment nothing is certain. Actually though after living a planned existence for pretty much all of my life until now (school, uni, work etc) I don't mind that uncertainly and now, on occasion, when I'm not gripped with the fear of 'what's next' I can even see it as opportunity.